“We Love Arabs is a true masterpiece by all measures. I can’t think at the moment of a dance piece that is a switty, provocative, political and hilarious as that one.”

Ora Brafman, The Jerusalem Post

  • What is your name? Not Muhammad? Mahmoud maybe? something similar? No? First, we will erase everything that implies that we are not equal. All the movements we make will be the same. It will symbolize our movement equality. What is movement equality? Let's look for ways in which movements complete each other in coexistence. We are both equally vulnerable and weak.

    Now, so that we can recognize who is the Arab and who's the Jew, we will have to mark each other. You will mark me and I will mark you. We need to make something that shows that we are complementary, we need each other for joint action, a movement that will claim that we can't move without the other. But it should be abstract, non-narrative image. Something mundane. Maybe a knife and fork. We will mark our territory. It is important that the territory is common. We'll make contact.

    Let's hold hands. The touch we create should be a touch that gives us pleasure. Let's hug.”

    Hillel Kogan

Choreography: Hillel Kogan  Dancers: Adi Boutrous Mourad Bouayad and Hillel Kogan

Artistic Advisors: Inbal Yaacobi and Rotem Tashach  Music: Kazem Alsaher, W.A.Mozart 

Lights Design:  Amir Castro  

Costume Design: Evelyn Terdiman 

Premiered at the 2013 Intimadance events, Tmuna Theater, Tel Aviv.


22.4.2023 - Jeff Slayton, La Dance Chronicle

01.3.2018 - Catherine Makereel, Le Soir (fr)

20.9.2017 - Rosita Boisseau, Le Monde (fr)

12.9.2017 - Stéphane Capron, sceneweb.fr (fr)

15.7.2016 - Michèle Bigot, Madinin’art (fr)

20.7.2016 - Ève Beauvallet, Liberation (fr)

20.7.2016 - Fabienne Pascaud, Telerama (fr)

23.7.2016 - Rosita Boisseau, Le Monde (fr)

20.3.2015 - Siobhan Burke, The New York Times

17.5.2015 - Eva-Elisabeth Fischer, Suddeutsche.de (de)

3.8.2015 - Alexandra Kedves, Tages-Anzeiger (de)

2014 - Ora Brafman, tanz_jahrbuch

18.8.2013 - Ora Brafman, The Jerusalem Post

21.8.2013 - Tzvi Goren, Habama (he)

21.8.2013 - Anat Zecharia, Hamevakeret (he)

24.8.2013 - Ora Brafman, DanceTalk (he)